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3 years ago
Karen Magill , CEO, Bus and Coach NI (FPT NI)

Not too many people would have come to Northern Ireland 1970’s, 80’s or 90’s but Rob did. Neither , would too many people have wanted to be involved with a fledgling trade association from Northern Ireland who needed a Judge for their annual gala and awards ceremony, but Rob said yes to me without hesitation. That was in 2002 and the start of a very special eighteen year journey. A journey where Rob’s knowledge, wisdom, support and direction gave our members the boost and confidence they needed to move forward in those early days. And that special input for members continued up to very recently and there is no doubt that Rob played a role in helping our members and the industry become what it is today. Rob, was greatly respected by our members and the industry. There was so much more though, not only was he an excellent journalist, he was a gentle man, a kind and caring man, who always was good company and to many, he was a dear friend and counselor. What I experienced was a person who could be a friend and engage in personal conversations without concern that anything would be shared. Our friendship was always a "safe" personal place where he would inform and advise me about many things from transport to vehicles to working with the press. He thought it worthwhile a few years ago that I should receive an award – In truth, he should have had the award and now my biggest regret is that we won’t be able to present him with that award for his outstanding commitment and contribution to the bus and coach industry in Northern Ireland. Rob will be sadly missed by all of us. His chair at our gala awards ceremony may be empty but his spirit, the memories of what he helped us achieve and the help, the confidence and encouragement he brought to each and every one of us will never be forgotten. So long, old friend,so long. A great journalist, but a greater friend
